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Advertisement in Kiev subway – is advantageous

Your business always interested in new customers.

Thereby you regularly spend a certain amount on advertising services.Wish to increase response among target audience for the relevant costs?

In such a case advertising in Kiev subway – just that what you need.

What are your benefits?

      1. High efficiency. Advertising in the subway, compared to outdoor Ads, has the highest contact with the recipient’s attention – it longs about forty minutes. Also browsing representatives of various age groups and different financial income, which increases the flow of customers to your company.
      2. Unobtrusive presence and natural interest. Awaiting for the train or while traveling passengers eagerly watching videos, reading ads, etc. As a result, they memorize your product and buy it in future. Now remind yourself how annoying TV commercials could be? And what the countermove is? Simply switching the channel.
      3. Cost savings. Comparing prices between advertising in the subway and media, you can feel the ponderable difference. Consider the high level of coverage and feedback of TA on subway.

Learn more how much subway advertising costs, just ask our manager about it.

«Trans media» company provides a variety of advertising types on subway, one of them are:

  • bright advertising light boxes;
  • convincing stikering on the doors and inside the wagons;
  • attractive advertising format – Metrolights;
  • track walls and stations branding;
  • catchy advertising on escalator arches;
  • thematic advertising in subway trains;
  • projectors and video monitors advertising.

Depending on the budget you’ve planned, we can offer a comprehensive advertising program in subway, or focus on a certain type of it.

In any case, the maximum result is guaranteed.

Give “Trans Media” a call today.

Attract new customers!